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Length: 8:11
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Dancing on the light from star to star
Far across a moonbeam, I know that's who you are
I saw your brown eyes turning once to fire
You are like a hurricane
There's calm in your eye
And I'm gettin' blown away
To somewhere safer where the feeling stays
I want to love you, but I'm getting blown away
I am just a dreamer, but you are just a dream
You could have been anyone to me
Before that moment you touched my lips
That perfect feeling when time just slips
Away between us on our foggy trip
You are like a hurricane
There's calm in your eye
And I'm gettin' blown away
To somewhere safer where the feeling stays
I want to love you, but I'm getting blown away
Blown away
You are just a dreamer, and I am just a dream
You could have been anyone to me
Before that moment you touched my lips
That perfect feeling when time just slips
Away between us on our foggy trip
You are like a hurricane
There's calm in your eye
And I'm gettin' blown away
To somewhere safer where the feeling stays
I want to love you, but I'm getting blown away
I like Neil Young and this this song, but he has always struck me as somewhat of a mud-duck on the guitar.
A mud duck. Hmmmm. OK.
Ain't it wonderful?
Seriously, WTF is this s**t? Are you all deaf? Or just like it becasue it's cool to like it? It sounds like a late night karaoke session with someone's pissed uncle on guitar thinking he's Hendrix. At what point did Neil think it was a good idea to become a musician? Give it up you t**t!
Point of order...karaoke usually doesn't include instruments. Perhaps, you meant to say 'drunken jam session'?
See, that's the issue with rage...makes us do dumb stuff. Now, just shhh...and enjoy.
I'm painting skirting boards at the moment and it's killing my knees.
Across the room, I can see where I've left my kneeling pad, but I couldn't be arsed to get up - a trial in itself at my age - and fetch it to ease my bruised kneecaps.
However, Neil Young comes on and, like shot, I'm up and typing this - having muted the sound of course - before I get the kneeling pad.
That you, Bill. My knees thank you as well.
PSD and back to the paint pot...
I disagree entirely, but you get my upvote for a charming story and some brilliant context. More RP dissent should be presented like this...
Zero shit?
Poor lil fellah; have you tried a laxative?
This is the song I would sing to my first born young colicky baby daughter to get her to go to sleep. I love this song almost as much as I love her.
I used to sing 'The Weight' by The Band to my colicky son as we did laps around the kitchen table in the middle of the night
Did this guy just have the best connections for weed and coke or something?
What's stopping you?
If RichLister genuinely believes Neil Young can't sing or play guitar, I suggest he spends a couple of minutes watching the video of the BBC recording of him playing 'Old Man' live back in the day. If he likes it, he can watch Heart of Gold from the same performance, and hear Neil play guitar, and harmonica (and sing) with the feel and soul of a real musician.
Thanks, Neil Young and RP!
Every time I hear this raw, instantly recognizable, enraptured masterpiece I think of the August '78 night my apartment buddy and I were almost busted by Boston PD. We were trying to get into our own freaking apartment -- SO STONED WE FORGOT OUR KEYS when we left! Six ounces of weed were on our kitchen table when two cops alerted by neighbors that someone -- US -- was trying to break into OUR apartment. This, some four or so hours after Rich and I had BLASTED Like a Hurricane on the stereo to prep for the party across Comm Ave. near BU Nickerson Field. It's 1 in the a.m. and there are two big serious Boston ossifers staring at us. At Richard. Who very slickly blocked the view of Officer # 1, who did not get a good view of the weed on our kitchen table. Thanks, Neil! Maybe there's still foam in that officer's eyes!
One of my favorite things to read is the real life experiences people post on RP. Keep em coming!
Enough about you, how do you feel about Neil, or the song?
It's heart felt, a little over the top, and lasts too long.
But it just feels so good and righteous. And you always want another, never turn one down.
Just 8 minutes(!) of din. The only artist I know that forces me to turn RP off.
Then do so, and stop posting while you're at it
Every time I hear this raw, instantly recognizable, enraptured masterpiece I think of the August '78 night my apartment buddy and I were almost busted by Boston PD. We were trying to get into our own freaking apartment -- SO STONED WE FORGOT OUR KEYS when we left! Six ounces of weed were on our kitchen table when two cops alerted by neighbors that someone -- US -- was trying to break into OUR apartment. This, some four or so hours after Rich and I had BLASTED Like a Hurricane on the stereo to prep for the party across Comm Ave. near BU Nickerson Field. It's 1 in the a.m. and there are two big serious Boston ossifers staring at us. At Richard. Who very slickly blocked the view of Officer # 1, who did not get a good view of the weed on our kitchen table. Thanks, Neil! Maybe there's still foam in that officer's eyes!
This sooooo coulda been me & my buddies. Great story.

Still getting blown away. 10!
What's stopping you?
can you write a song? good luck
What's stopping you?
I LOVE this response! P.S. Neil Young is one of the greatest artists of his/out time!
What a guitar solo.
I don't think Neil Young is horrible, but I do dislike this solo, too. It's like he's trying to remember his solo in "Southern Man" but can't quite get it right, so he overdrives it with all that sustain and feedback, while he tries to remember it. If ever there was a song that could benefit from a crisper faster solo, a la Jimmy Page in, say, "Since I've Been Loving You", it's this song.
What's stopping you?
The best always make it look easy...
This will put you in the Chridtmas spirit.
What's stopping you?
He does not know how to conceal his talent.
Just kidding - I like NY quite a bit, and this is a 9 for me.
Across the room, I can see where I've left my kneeling pad, but I couldn't be arsed to get up - a trial in itself at my age - and fetch it to ease my bruised kneecaps.
However, Neil Young comes on and, like shot, I'm up and typing this - having muted the sound of course - before I get the kneeling pad.
That you, Bill. My knees thank you as well.
PSD and back to the paint pot...
If you paint them before you install them, then you only have to touch up nail holes and joints.
Across the room, I can see where I've left my kneeling pad, but I couldn't be arsed to get up - a trial in itself at my age - and fetch it to ease my bruised kneecaps.
However, Neil Young comes on and, like shot, I'm up and typing this - having muted the sound of course - before I get the kneeling pad.
That you, Bill. My knees thank you as well.
PSD and back to the paint pot...

probably lack of talent
at least Neil could write a song or two.
That last free-form picking was painful to hear though. Sounded like my attempts at playing a fretless stringed instrument, and I think I could get closer on a didley bow.
What's stopping you?
probably lack of talent
I did the same and I know why.
What's stopping you?
Yet trump won an election in 2016 using Neil Young music. Trying it again in 2020 despite letters going to Trump to stop. Maybe they should play " searching for a leader". Anyway back to the comment. I am thinking that what is stopping him is the similar to failing at a casino.. or running a country a great one.
That line alone is guaranteed to give me the shivers. Back in 1987, I was on the Isle of Man for the TT races with some members of the bike club I was in at the time. We walked into a tiny, crowded, smoky club on the outskirts of Douglas, and as we passed through the door a group of people were walking out. One of the guys - who I'd never seen before - caught my eye as he passed and for a nanosecond we had a 'moment'. About a year later, I met the same man again at a bike rally. We've been together ever since...

What's stopping you?
A complete and total misunderstanding of what music is and how it is created would be my guess.
You nailed it idiot_wind. This comment is so absolutely spot on. As others have pointed out. I am so happy that RP plays NY and plays him often.
I think of NY as the lumber jack of modern popular music who lets loose.
Other bands have attempted to do long, wandering, plaintiff electric guitar solos that sound like spontaneous jams (none of them are). And have mostly failed. Young pulls it off.
You are like a hurricane;
There's calm in your eye.
I want to love you,
But I'm getting blown away.
<edit, two minutes later>
Isn't that Wikipedia photo just perfect?
What's stopping you?
Perhaps he should listen to the naysayers and quit and find another vocation.
He and Dylan could open up a coffee shop.

What's stopping you?
Lack of charisma

He's never sold out. Sings what he wants, plays how he wants.
And if you are ever lucky enough to see him live, well his playing is art, it transcends.
Many don't like Beethoven saying he is bombastic. His music hits me deeply, emotionally.
With Neil it is much the same - there is true emotion.
Improves with repetition
Well, then maybe I should tell you that since I listen to RP, I started to dislike Bob Dylan more and more. Can't stand his voice and find the music and lyrics overrated. Now THAT is some RP blasphemy. I do not dare posting that in a Dylan-song forum though ;-)
Sometimes, hearing the h8rs here is like having to listen to anti-vaxxers and flat earthers.
Agreed. I don't like much Neil Young, but like Arlo Guthrie and Bob Dylan, I give them props and decent ratings one song at a time. He gets a 9 from me for this one, like it even matters.
You're joking right? It's bleeping horrible. As his NY in general.
Sometimes, hearing the h8rs here is like having to listen to anti-vaxxers and flat earthers.
This and a hundred other songs the man has written and performed in a career spanning 6 decades.
What's stopping you?
Yes please, put your money where your pie hole is.
I think we all get it now; you don't like Neil Young; boo hoo.
Maybe hit the PSD and spare us your whining.
You're joking right? It's bleeping horrible. As is NY in general.
What's stopping you?
idiot_wind wrote:
kingart wrote:
The song really goes in and down big time with a double of bourbon and some kick ass weed.

I agree too!

Master Neil, 1957

Master Neil, 1957

A great comment.
The song really goes in and down big time with a double of bourbon and some kick ass weed.
idiot_wind wrote:
kingart wrote:
The song really goes in and down big time with a double of bourbon and some kick ass weed.

A great comment.
The song really goes in and down big time with a double of bourbon and some kick ass weed.
M A S T E R P I E C E.

Legendary.. 💪
I like Neil on occasion, but this sucks a big one.
There. I said it.
And I feel better.
how do you sleep?!!!??
I was only 18, and Neil was 31. I'm not gonna' do the subsequent math for you.
ScottishWillie wrote:
I love the messy passionate guitar mangling. He gets the chaotic hurricane stormy point across and you can feel it. He knows what he is doing.
Clean licks would just not suit the subject matter, so to all you neat-niks: this is not the song for you.

still...and ever...
And because of those choices (including any whiskey, although I may be wrong, but he has had an affliction that may disallow booze) and because no one more than he ever made a guitar sound (deliberately) like it was like a train about to jump the tracks (and NY really likes trains), and because of his stupendous c.v. and influence, and because this track reminds me of the wintry '78 day in Boston that I came within about 10 feet and as many seconds of being busted in my apartment building with a half-pound of weed — it will always have a special place for it in my heart, and those who think him an off-key banality should listen better.

....Like heaven to mine......
SurfDoc wrote:
Totally agree, piercing to the ear.
Saw him in Compton AND Desert Trip......THIS was one of the highlights....I double the toast!
On_The_Beach wrote:

I like Neil on occasion, but this sucks a big one.
There. I said it.
And I feel better.
I assure y'all that the track sounds exactly like NY wanted it sound, raw and raucous. The over consumption of alcohol? OMG! Someone should yell at Mussorgsky or Mozart or Monk!
And because of those choices (including any whiskey, although I may be wrong, but he has had an affliction that may disallow booze) and because no one more than he ever made a guitar sound (deliberately) like it was like a train about to jump the tracks (and NY really likes trains), and because of his stupendous c.v. and influence, and because this track reminds me of the wintry '78 day in Boston that I came within about 10 feet and as many seconds of being busted in my apartment building with a half-pound of weed — it will always have a special place for it in my heart, and those who think him an off-key banality should listen better.
It may be something as simple as you can't get the same vibe listening to this on a cell phone and ear buds as opposed to, say, Macintosh system powering a pair of Klipsch speakers at volume.
I like Neil on occasion, but this sucks a big one.
There. I said it.
And I feel better.
Agreed. Conversely however, spanning decades he has contributed to rock beyond measure in my amateur opinion.
Indeed! Crap timing and so uninspired, it's a shame...

This is the song that turned my liking for Neil Young into adoration.
I find your amatuerish spelling rather distracting.

I don't give a sh*t if anyone else likes it or not, I still turn it up every time. I think that's the way Neil would want it.
More barn!