Nighthawks — Hace Mucho
(no lyrics available)
Comments (31)add comment
Wait a second--people are voting this up because they don't understand the words?
The stories of deliberate obscurity and elitism among wannabe artists are all true.
I've never been able to find this album locally or online. I ordered it from Amazon once but after a month they said they couldn't fill it.
kazuma wrote:
So this is what Tom Waits sounds like in Spanish ...
yeah .... just what i was thinking 
So this is what Tom Waits sounds like in Spanish ...
Last song of the evening for me. Pretty nice way to go out.
This is quite good. Though it has as kind of "self-help" headphones-whilst-you're-sleeping quality to it.
I'm sure I'll wake up tomorrow feeling more positive, energised and ready to take on the world.
Pyro wrote:

Agreed. I think other languages are sexy!
I think some languages can be sexy, but I'm equally sure some languages just don't seem sexy at all. I can't imagine and nor have I ever heard a german love song 
I got to admit the Sax reminds me of the old brit TV show Bugs... BTW thats a good thing. I liked the theme tune :D
Me likie likie. High praise indeed.
diane wrote:
Not understanding the language does have its advantages. One can make up his/her own story to go with the music. Between the muted horn and his voice - I always have a fine time! :)
Agreed. I think other languages are sexy!
diane wrote:
Not understanding the language does have its advantages. ...
definitely :nodhead:
maybe that's the reason for english music to be so successfull in germany 

I like this.
I have an image of that cat in Shrek 2 playing a midnight seranade.
Now THERE's a quirky little song.
Suitable for late night studying.
Gets an 8.
Not understanding the language does have its advantages. One can make up his/her own story to go with the music. Between the muted horn and his voice - I always have a fine time! :)
Dave_Mack wrote:
The Lycos translator reports: "As we say in ingles, this song absorbs much!" Hee hee.
Let's just say that Lycos is a substantial improvement on the original commentator...
Mute time...

philarktos wrote:
Actually, try enter CLINT EASTWOOD.
I don't really want to enter Clint or Dennis

Cool tune...George S. Clinton-esque even.
Cool song. I like the muted trumpet. Reminds me of Miles Davis Siesta album with Marcus Miller. But this song is definitevely NOT on Tom Waits Nighthawks at the diner. There's been a little mix-up there.
great_one wrote:
Que mal gasto de tiempo! Esta cancion no vale la pena de escuchar. Como decimos en ingles, esta cancion chupa mucho!
Por Favor, No Mas! 
The Lycos translator reports: "As we say in ingles, this song absorbs much!" Hee hee.

Originally Posted by indigo_xia:
Totally. Enter Dennis Hopper... 
Actually, try enter CLINT EASTWOOD.

Originally Posted by downbylaw:
this sounds like it belongs in a david lynch film.
Totally. Enter Dennis Hopper... 
this sounds like it belongs in a david lynch film.
Reminds me of Yello. I\'d rather hear Yello...
This cancion doesn\'t chupa mucho, IMHO. I was quite happy to hear the whole thing today.
please never play this again... 

I tuned in to this song a little too close to the end. Please play it again soon so I have a chance to hear it completely. It sounded very cool (from what I heard).